
  • Fuck

    “Slow burn?! What the fuck is this?! This is insane, this is like a punk band just doing a diy ‘shove the kitchen in a van, just fucking find a city, find a venue, find a place to play’. The night of, they knock the fucking doors down, they battle of the band and fucking leave.” – Zakk Pollard, Peon Magazine

  • It's Jazz

    "Their plan is to pack up these ingredients into a van especially fitted out with shelves, and take the show on the road to different locations. They’ll source fresh produce from nearby farmers markets in each venue, essentially showing up and making magic, come what may. It’s bold. It’s nomadic. It’s improvisational. It’s jazz.” – Lisa Alexander, Edible

  • Sustainable Meals

    “Carrot scraps, watermelon rinds, coffee grounds, bitter fruit pith and everything else you’ve most likely thrown into your garbage are on the menu at Slow Burn, though you’d never recognize them as such. Fermented, dehydrated or otherwise preserved, they wind up in glass jars and bottles of all shapes and sizes at chefs Andy Doubrava and Tiffani Ortiz’s new roving dinner series that aims to serve sustainable meals using every last bit of every ingredient..” – Stephanie Breijo, LA Times